Are we going to be able to get full use of the bandwidth we were promised it could handle?
Are the failures we've been experiencing caused by the wiring, the computer, or some other piece of equipment?
Firewalls (our custom Network Deadbolt(tm) could be just what you're looking for)
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
Branch offices
Home offices
Remote sites
Remote access
Telephone Systems
We're thinking of installing a system, but we're not sure what's available...
We have a system, but it's not working so well for us any longer
We have a system that we're happy with, but which has a problem...
An extension is dead...
A phone is dead...
A line is dead...
Can we restrict calls to certain numbers? From certain numbers?
Can we track all outgoing calls?
Can we record calls? ("for quality purposes")
Can we link the system up with a door buzzer?
Do they all have intercom capabilities?
We need voice mail for all our employees...
Our on-site phone system administrator left our employ, and we need someone to take the system over...
Can we make some extensions ring, but not others? How about delayed ringing?
Systems Administration
Our on-site IT staff needs help...
We need a server built
We need software installed, upgraded, or configured...
We need printers setup for sharing...
Our IT staff knows what they need, but don't know how to get it implemented...
How can I save money by virtualizing my existing servers? What is virtualization anyway?
Our on-site IT staff left and we need someone to take over...
We don't need a full-time IT staff, and want someone to monitor things and assist on-demand...
Do we have enough disk space? When do we need to get more?
Are we being backed up properly?
Can I back up off-site and on-site?
We need to deploy new desktop computers and want the data from the old system migrated to the new system
We need some software upgraded, installed, or configured on our system
We need someone to teach us about Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, or some other software...
We're tired of paying for new software upgrades all the time... what's this "Open Source Software" I'm hearing so much about? Can it save me time and money?
Can I restrict my staff from printing color copies?
Can I restrict color, but not black/white?
Can I restrict printer usage to certain group members only?
Email Servers
We're tired of the spam...
We want to be able to restrict who can send and who can receive emails
We need new email addresses setup
Web Content Restrictors
We're tired of our employees surfing when they should be working!
HR and Legal's concerned about the creation of a hostile working environment because of where people surf...
We'd like to restrict some of our network users to a specific set of sites...while others have more freedom
We don't want our kids visiting the Internet's Red Light District on our home network...
Other needs
I need a printer... what should I get? Can you get that for me and install it?
I need a computer... what should I get? Can you move my old data over?
My hard drive died - I need to try and recover my files, can you help me out?
I have a virus/trojan horse/something crazy and want it gone...HELP!
My tablet doesn't work... My smartphone doesn't work... My streaming video box/stick doesn't work... Can you get these fixed for me?
I'm thinking about purchasing some technological item... what do you think about it? What are the pitfalls? What might be better for me to purchase? Where can I get the most bang for my buck?
I've been hearing about VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) - what is that exactly? How can I use it to save money?
My Internet Service Provider is telling me that the problem I've reported to them is caused by my equipment... is that really true?
The computer just randomly shuts down... what could be causing this?
Our computer vents are full of dust and dirt - do you have to clean a computer? Is this something you can do for us?
Highland Park, IL 60035-0307, USA T +1 (847) 748-8647